My Dinosaur Life is a five-piece band hailing from Cremona, a small town in Northern Italy surrounded by way too many corn fields and nothing more.
Since their conception they have released two digital singles and an EP, “Cold Summer”.
Heavily influenced by bands such as Motion City Soundtrack, The Ataris and The Wonder Years, their emotional songs are characterized by catchy hooks, upbeat tempos and melancholy lyrics.
Their new EP “Young Survivors” was produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Riccardo Daga at Titans Lab Recording Studio.

REVIEWS – Young Survivors EP

…La chanson « Empty Canvas« évoque une lutte intérieure poignante.
À travers des paroles introspectives, l’artiste exprime des sentiments de stagnation et de désespoir, tout en cherchant une lueur d’espoir.
L’image de l’« empty canvas » symbolise un potentiel inexploité, où chaque cicatrice raconte une histoire…
…Desde la tranquila Cremona, Italia, My Dinosaur Life emerge con una propuesta pop-punk cargada de energía y emoción. Inspirados por bandas como Motion City Soundtrack y The Wonder Years, el quinteto combina melodías pegajosas con letras melancólicas, creando un sonido característico que evoca tanto nostalgia como vitalidad…
…I appreciate that everyone has a favourite band and people are influenced in different ways but My Dinosaur Life are a doppelganger of Motion City Soundtrack…

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..Young Survivors è un disco con un alto potenziale creato da un gruppo che è moderno e ha una personalità non banale.
Suona rock, ma è meno arrabbiato (almeno in termini melodici), le composizioni non sono raffazzonate, bensì ben ragionate: ogni traccia possiede una sua integrità e coerenza che spinge l’ascoltatore a voler alzare il volume per captare ogni elemento e raggiungere una visione più ampia…

…Each song on Young Survivors stands out, there isn’t a single track that I’d consider filler. It’s clear that Dinosaur Life have a clear artistic vision and wish to execute it with tactical precision. The sound is inviting and meaningful, and I can honestly say this band just gained a new fan…
…Così ricco di influenze early ‘00 trasportate ai giorni nostri, con i suoi dettagli che ricordano The Ataris, Story of the Year e altre band che non c’entrano niente tra loro, una produzione raffinatissima e soprattutto tante buone idee particolarmente ben eseguite. Young Survivor ha fatto breccia nei nostri cuori…

…a large portion of the EP is fantastic. Each song is distinctly different, proving the band to be versatile and well-rounded. Yellow Walls and One Fast Move or I’m Gone are certainly the strongest pieces within this outfit, it is quite fitting that they are the first and second listed…

…My Dinosaur Life are the latest in a series of great new bands we’ve spoken to from Italy…

We’re loving the big emo-rock sound of this exciting Italian band. They hope to be touring plenty through 2018 while recording their first full-length album…

One thing I can say about this EP is that it starts and ends well.
The composition on here is great and I’m curious to hear more music from this band.