2019. Winter. It was not yet known what coronavirus was. 4 guys in a room, who had known each other for a relatively short time, linked only to be colleagues or former co-workers. 4 instruments, Omar’s guitar and Melo’s bass, Paul’s voice and Tugno’s drumsticks. Thus was born the alchemy of DaysGone, each linked to different sounds but (in) consciously mixed together. So not just Metal, not just Hardcore, not just trash, not just Punk, but an explosion of wickedness and arrogance that distinguishes us at the first listen.

DAYSGONE – Reviews

…Non che manchino le idee, la band tra groove, potenza, velocità in mid tempo riff e distorti offre una apprezzabile presentazione del proprio credo che, in ogni caso, non offre tanto in termini di novità o innovazione…